trier of fact meaning in Chinese
事实的审判者 事实的审判者
- Adjudicative facts mean the judgments or presumptions made by the trier of fact about the objective facts concerning the case , on the basis of the evidences , through the procedure
裁判事实是事实审理者通过法定程序,在证据的基础上,对案件涉及的客观事实所作的一种认定或推定。 - In the case neither plaintiff nor defendant have persuaded the trier of fact about whether a particular fact exists , to say that one party shall lose the case is the key point of the question of the burden of proof , it is the last remedy ( " ultima ratio " )
风险的预设和最终承担需要明确和公平的规则,证据法中的证明责任问题即针对上述问题进行研究。可以说,证明责任判决是“最后的救济( ultimaratio ) ” 。法谚“证明责任是民事诉讼的脊梁” ,足见证明责任在民事诉讼中的重要性。